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Kylar Stern :Complete Line Art

23 Aug


So this is my interpretation of Kylar Stern complete in line drawing form. I plan on giving the front view a full colour pallet and may be the rest. After that I’m not sure whether to take it to 3d, or try and create and 2d render, like Kylar posing with his sword out or something

Kylar Stern

20 Aug


This here is Kylar Stern, he is from books of the Night Angel Trilogy. Being the big fan of the books that I am, I decided I wanted to create the lead character in 3d. So what better way to start that progress than to create of rough concept of my interpretation of Kylar in 2d.
Kylar is a wetboy (a very professional assassin essentially), hence the assortment of weapon on his person. I will be posting more of Kylar as I progress.

Z-Brush Charcter Model Sheets

11 Jul

LDF_NorseModelSheet copy LDF_DinoSlayer copy

These model sheets were created for the concept and reference of a character that I was to create in 3ds Max then sculpt in Z-brush. Once again for a fighting game, the choice of theme is wide open. I decided to stick to a warrior theme and so to relate the the Norse longship, I created a Norse Warrior. Since I needed two characters I wanted something a bit surreal, which is how the Dino-Slayer was born.

Each character has to be based off of a real reference model of a person. Prompting me to us of brilliant high quality life model images, although for the Dino-slayer I distorted the reference model to get the stumpy muscle man you see in the model sheet.


Tribal Training

11 Jul

Tribal Training is the iPhone game equivalent of ‘Puppy Love’ from Earthworm Jim. The objective is to bounce the arrows off the shield and hit the target.This aim for this project was to create all the art for an iPhone game which may later be used by designers to create a finished game with the assets.


Marty the Muncher

11 Jul
Marty the Martian

Marty the Martian

LDF_Marty_16BitThis here is Marty the Muncher, a pet ‘Munchalon’. The idea behind this assignment was to create an original character that would be a franchise mascot that has been through the ages. This meant concepting the character and creating a version of it in old 16-bit form.