Tag Archives: UDK

Victorian Inventor

11 Jul

For this project the theme was a Victorian Inventor. The requirement was to create an environment which consists of 2 rooms that had to be linked. One room had to be the inventing room (the inventor could be of any profession) the other was their living space and there had to be at least one window in the entire environment.

I knew that the easiest way would have been to create a vast room with plenty of space for inventions and equipment. I decided to do the opposite and challenge myself. I wanted to create small rooms for the inventor whilst not compromising on assets or detail, which I believe I achieved greatly. My inventor was a black smith that is attempting to create satellite or reflecting dish (surreal I know) so his workshop is filled with necessary equipment, benches, a forge and anvil. I in fact used an emissive and transform shader in the forge so it would look like glowing embers.

BedView WindowView AnvilView ForgeView

The basement walls are in fact textured with my own source images. The dirty and broken plaster work were images taken from my house under construction at the time.

And although only small, the books on the bookshelf i found quite impressive as they were hand painted with no reference images and turned out better than expected.